When the Past Runs the Future, and Destroys a Marriage
In an interview with a couple who have been together for many years, the other day he was complaining to her about the way she does things. That set her off and they almost got into a fight. I intervened and started talking with him about what it was about these things she did that bothered him. He just kept saying I don't know, I don't know, until finally, he sat bolt upright and with a startled look, started talking about something traumatic which had happened to him a long time ago, and how he had reacted to it. That reaction was a commitment to himself to live in a certain way, but it had become ultimately, destructive to him, and it was destroying his marriage. As we talked about this event and these times, he realized how it was running him, and that he could let that go. He didn't need it, and he didn't need his wife to be that way either. He could let her be her, and appreciate what she is and how she is.
So sometimes it really is our past which is running our relationships, it is our stuff that we need to take responsibility for and look at. The result is what can save a marriage.
Labels: Couples Counselling