Sunday, June 22, 2008

Problems, Warts, Scabs and Scars

Sometimes problems are like scars, if you just wait, they can fade away.

Sometimes problems are like scabs, they fall away if you let them.

Sometimes problems are like warts--they don't go away and sometimes get bigger unless you deal with them.

Sometimes you might have to avoid to see whether you have a wart or a scar or scab.

But usually, if you look in your heart. you know.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Success in Counselling. And Life

One of the differrences I see sometimes in people who have successful experiences in counselling and those who don't is whether people stick to it, and keep trying to meet their goals. Some people give up, and some people, for some reason, are able to keep trying. Sometimes it can take a couple tries, and sometimes , it can take many tries, and many breakdowns of goals into smaller steps and working on those goals one at a time.

Be clear about your goals, and what things would look like if they were different and better.

Ask yourself and your therapist if maybe you should look for someone else. Maybe the fit is not the best. But be careful that you do not give up and change as a way of avoiding what you really need to face.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Where Did May Go?

I can't believe I didn't have anything brilliant to say for the whole month. Must have been all the cloudy days. Funny how weather affects our moods, eh? Sometimes it can be subtle, sometimes hits you in the eye.

It is important when we feel down to really look around and figure out what is going on--sometimes it is very subtle. Something someone said to us a few days ago, sometiems a fleeting thought that runs through our minds, almost so quickly we don't realize it has been there, like an unwelcome visitor that shapes our mood.

Remember, we are not our thoughts, we are not our feelings, we are not our beliefs. We can change those,let them pass like clouds without having to create our selves from them.